Save shipping cost from Japan - consolidated shipping service

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Shippping service
Save your shipping cost by putting multiple items in one package!

For many of those who import items from Japan, international shipping cost is a pain in the neck. We can store your items at our warehouse for 30 days and ship them together at a time so you can significantly save on shipping.

Shipping request
When your item reaches our warehouse, we will send you an arrival notice. Then, you can request us to ship the item through the "Shipping request" section. Please make a shipping request within 30 days (3 days for large items) after the arrival. If you do not make a request on time, a storage fee below will be imposed.

Storage fee
If you leave your item at our warehouse for more than 30 days without making a shipping request since the arival date of the item, a $1.00 storage fee will be imposed per day on each item. If another 30 days have passed without a shipping request, the item will become the property of Japamart and be resold to cover our expenses or be discarded.
Please note: Large items occupy a lot of space. Please make a shipping request within 3 days or a $1.00 storage fee will be imposed per day on each item.

Shipping method
Please let us know the shipping method you like when you make a shipping request. There are various types of shipping methods available. Please refer to the table below. We strongly recommend you to choose insured shipping methods like EMS. EMS is fast and affordable with insurance and tracking number. Parcels from Japan can be lost, stolen or damaged during the long trip. Please keep in mind that we are not responsible for the item if you choose the shipping method without insurance. You can get a rough estimate for shipping here.The followings are the details of each shipping method.

Size & weight limit
1 EMS 3 - 12days Yes(here) Yes Details Reasonable
2 Airmail Parcel 7 - 21days Yes


Details Expensive
3 SAL Parcel 14 - 42days Yes Yes
Details Affordable
4 Surface Parcel Around 2 months Yes Yes
Details Cheap
5 Airmail Small Packet 7 - 21days No No up to 2kg Cheap
6 SAL Small Packet 14 - 42days No No up to 2kg Very cheap
7 Surface Small Packet Around 2 months No No up to 2kg Cheapest
8 Airmail Printed Matter 7 - 21days No No up to 5kg Cheap
9 SAL Printed Matter 14 - 42days No No up to 5kg Very cheap
10 Surface Printed Matter Around 2 months No No up to 5kg Cheapest
11 DHL 3 - 12days Yes Yes Contact us Very expensive

Printed Matter is available only for papers or books. Printed Matter and Small Packect are calculated based on the same chart.

Insurance for Airmail Parcel, SAL Parcel and Surface Parcel to the United Kingdom, Germany and Canada is limited. It varies depending on the weight of your parcel. If the total value of your items exceeds it, we recommend you choose EMS.

Maximum compensation
- 5kg 11,160 yen
5kg - 10kg 15,170 yen
10kg - 15kg 19,190 yen
15kg - 20kg 23,200 yen
20kg - 25kg 27,220 yen
25kg - 30kg 31,230 yen

Note : The maximum compensation of the insurance for Ireland is 12,353 yen regardless of the weight.

Uninsured shipping methods
#5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 do not have insurance or tracking service. Please keep in mind that a package may be lost or damaged once in a while.

We cannot guarantee in case of loss or breakage if you choose the shipping method without insurance. Under an understanding and an agreement to this, you may choose these shipping methods.

Size & weight limit
Japanese postal service has a size and weight limitation to send the item. If you want to bid on a heavy or large item such as car parts, you should know the limit in advance. Actually, It varies from country to country. In a general way, the weight limit is 30kg. However, Australia and New Zealand have a strict 20kg limitation. If we cannot send you the item due to the limit, we will use DHL or other delivery service, and which will certainly cost you a fortune. Please also check the large item section.

Shipping address
If your payment method is Paypal, the shipping information on the Paypal needs to match your address registered with us. We do not ship an item to the address which is different from the Paypal's one to avoid the fraudulent activity.

During the long trip from Japan, your item may be damaged. If you choose an insured shipping method, you will be able to get compensation. In this case, please let us know and go to your local post office to file a claim for compensation as soon as possible. However, you cannot get reimbursed under the following cases.

1. You chose an uninsured shipping method.
2. The damage did not occur in transit

Customs and Import Restrictions
You may be subject to import duties and taxes. We have no control over these charges and cannot predict what they may be. So any additional expense for customs clearance must be borne by you.
Please note that each country has its own restrictions on imported goods. Given that it is difficult for us to generalize about it, we recommend you contact your local authorities when further information is required before purchasing items.

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